Monday, December 17, 2012

Three Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

Any female can attest to the countless attempts to weight loss. It happens at some point in our lives- we say, “Oh man, need to just lose these few lbs.”  With your determined by, you give yourself a start date, you still to it for about two days, then five days later you are back to your old ways and bad habits. What happened? Well, these attempts do not make you weak or undetermined.  Let me help you understand why this happens more often than not.

Latest statistics prove that one in three young people begin a “diet” each month, almost half (45% actually) give up after a week and the other half give up on their goals within a month. The study also shows that these people yo-yo diet every six months rather than committing to one plan.

As a fitness professional, I see women struggle to lose weight (at one time I was one of them) and then give up on their goals completely. It happens quite often. Here’s why:

You DIET: You pick some diet, lose weight and then gain it all back. The key to weight loss is not to diet, but to change your lifestyle.  I hate actually the word DIET. I also hate diet pills or any exercise gadget/cream promising you the world of weight loss. You cannot depend on a quick fix! You have to learn how to eat properly and exercise consistently. It takes time but if done the healthy way, the weight loss will  be more likely to kept off for good.

You have an all or nothing attitude: So you worked out like crazy all week, ate right, then went on the scale and lost nothing. Of course you get frustrated but that doesn't mean you should give up. It’s like you are so close but you throw in the towel because of your impatience. Or how about when you diet for so long you’re good streak is over once you give yourself that “cheat meal”? You  end up cheating FOREVER and old habits revert. Weight loss is a journey. It is going to take time. It takes years of bad habits to get the body out of shape, so it will take a great amount of time, dedication, patience, and flexibility to get back in shape. Just hang in there and keep going!

You have no support: Do your family members  always push food on you (a little won't hurt)? It’s all out of love right? Or what about that one friend who is always putting down your efforts? Chances are that’s jealousy seeping. At times it is the company we keep that holds us back from reaching our fitness goals. Whether it's bad habits or negative attitudes, it can stop us from moving forward. So before you start your fitness journey, shed the weight of jerks in your life!

Remember these tips but most importantly don't give up on yourself! You got this! 
Can I get a Whoop Whoop?
Keeping the fun in fitness!
Your fit fem personal trainer and expert in women's only fitness, Syl

1 comment:

  1. Syl, you are awesome! You know your stuff and help your are IT!
